Sick of dating and ready to find your person? It’s time to date smarter.
As a behavioral scientist turned dating coach, and the Director of Relationship Science at Hinge, I know what sets successful daters apart. My research-backed advice has helped thousands of people around the world get unstuck in their love lives.
We’re born knowing how to love, but not how to date. It’s a skill you can learn — and I can teach you.

Discover the blind spots holding you back from finding love.
Here’s how we can work together

Secrets of a Successful Profile Masterclass
Upgrade your profile to attract higher quality matches & avoid the biggest mistakes that hold daters back.
- 90-minute instant access video course
- $197 $99 investment Limited time Netflix pricing
Propel Bootcamp
Transform your dating life with my two-week bootcamp designed to get you off the apps and into a great relationship.
- Live group workshop taught by me. Applications now open.
- $980 investment

One-on-one Transformation Coaching
Four months of individual custom coaching
- 10 sessions of 1:1 custom support with your coach
- $4000 $2800 Limited time Netflix pricing

Get introductions to hand-selected dates you won’t find anywhere else.
- I'll refer you to one of the world's best matchmakers
- Price varies by matchmaker

Want to find the right option together?
Tell me about yourself. I’ll create a custom plan to help you achieve your goals.
What past clients have to say
Hi! I'm Logan
As a behavioral scientist turned dating coach, I’ve spent the past decade helping thousands of people find love. I’m the Director of Relationship Science at the dating app Hinge.
I wrote the bestselling book How to Not Die Alone, and I'm the featured dating coach on the Netflix series The Later Daters.
After studying psychology at Harvard, I ran Google’s behavioral science team—the Irrational Lab.

Unfollow your exes, follow me.